Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lazy Blogger

So here goes my first blog.....sit back, relax and enjoy!

Today I am talking about feeding picky kids: My 3 year old to be exact!
Here are a few things I have done to try and get her to eat more than cookies.
First anything shaped like dinosaurs; chicken nuggets, pasta, crackers, etc...or anything that comes in a cup or individual serving. Sometimes I trick her, I keep those little pudding cups(or whatever) and wash them out, then when she wants a snack I put it one of those cups....great for snack mix, granola, cheese cubes or whatever finger food is the snack for the day!

Here is one thing she likes too...
food you can make into something cute. The above is so simple, apple slices, raisins, carrot stick and pretzels but she loves it!
Below is another thing that gets her to eat, put food on a skewer! 

Don't ask me why this is so appealing, but to little ones it is. If you trust them you can fill little bowls with food and let them put the things on the skewer themselves, this is a huge hit! 
Some ideas for skewer foods are: fruits, marshmallows, cheese, precooked and cooled meats like ham or pepperoni.

And one more for today is these cream cheese and fruit crackers. These are yummy!
Again any fruit is good on these Ritz-like crackers, just use what you know your kiddos like. 
I have even used flavored cream cheeses...yum!~

Well thanks for stopping by today, keep checking back for more great, low cost, fun stuff to do with your family!

1 comment:

  1. Where were you when the twins were 3? Kidding! Very cute ideas. It is true about skewers, they will try ANYTHING off of them!
